child support questions

Texas Child Support

Texas child support can be confusing for parents when you are just starting your divorce.  The business part of your divorce involves untangling two lives. The emotional part of your divorce is much more than that, but it isn’t the part that your divorce lawyer will be working on. So, back to the business side.

Texas child support is paid from one parent to the other in most cases.  Today we will be talking about most cases.  Usually, the child resides with one parent.  That parent might be called the primary parent, managing conservator or obligee.  The other parent may be called the non-primary parent, possessory conservator or obligor.  The non-primary parent is the parent paying child support.

Texas child support is set using guidelines set by Texas statute.  It is based on the non-primary parent’s income.  The child support amount will be a percentage of that parent’s net pay each month.  Child support for 1 child is 20% of the monthly net income, two children is 25%, and so on. Take a look at these charts on one of my previous blog posts.  Monthly net income is calculated with statutory approved deductions from the gross monthly pay to determine the net.  The parent paying child support will also be required to pay for health insurance for the children either through their work or other means. The deductions allowed to be subtracted from the gross income include the amount being paid or can be paid by the paying parent for children’s health insurance.

Child support in most cases is paid through the Texas child support disbursement unit through the Texas Attorney General’s Child Support Division office.  The Texas Attorney General’s Child Support office disbursement unit receives the payments, keeps records of child support and sends it out to the receiving parent.  The Texas Attorney General’s Child Support office website has tools for both the paying parent and the receiving parent, including a child support calculator and access to information and payment status:

The maximum net monthly pay included in the Texas child support guidelines in the statute used to set child support each month is $8,550.00.  So, as an example the maximum for one child is $1,710.00 per month.

This is just a little bit of information to assist general understanding, but not advise you on the particulars of your case.

As always, seek out an experienced family lawyer for your questions.

Jill O’Connell, 940-497-5454