Paralegal Perspective4 Paralegal Tips From A Family Law and Divorce Paralegal

Today we have a guest writer for the post, Robert Thomas, C.R.P., with his paralegal tips for family law and divorce cases:

So many times in legal matters, the first (and often most important) decision a client will make is hiring the right lawyer. Finding the attorney that fits your needs, legally and monetarily, is a big key in providing the two things clients want the most.

Their desired outcome and peace of mind.

So what can clients do to help their lawyers get to that much desired outcome and peace of mind? Well, here’s four paralegal tips to keep in mind as you progress into your case.

1) Divorce is not a sprint, it is a marathon —

Understand that divorce is not an easy or a quick process. You will not walk into a law office, hire an attorney and come out a week later with a final decree. Be patient, know that there is procedure involved and that doing things right often means going slow and steady. And trust me, on a process like this with so much of your life (and the lives of children as well as your ex) on the line, you definitely want it done right the first time.

2) There is no such thing as a stupid/dumb/silly question —

Something I tell every prospective client when they come into the office is, “Don’t be afraid to ask a question”. It is not the job of a lawyer or a paralegal to judge someone on their lack of legal knowledge. Our job is to shepherd you through a tough and complicated process. We want our clients to know they can ask us anything, so that they have a clear picture about how their case is progressing.

3) Be Honest —

Lawyers are very quick on their feet, and they are trained to handle unique situations and adapt. However, finding a curveball thrown at them in a hearing because their own clients held back information can make a simple hearing a train wreck, as well as the trust built between attorney and client. Again, the lawyer is not going to judge their client over embarrassing or private information, and the privilege protects that information. So be upfront from the start, it will pay off for you down the line and will often help the lawyer guide the case down the right path.

4) Read everything from your lawyer —

When your attorney sends you something for your personal records, the first reaction might be to just file it away and “trust my lawyer”. While it is humbling to have such faith in your attorney’s office and staff, resist the urge to become a bystander in your case. Read the e-mail updates, go through the draft pleadings you receive and don’t just “rubber stamp’ approval. Be knowledgeable about your case.


So when you are trying to solve the legal equations that make up your case, bear in mind that finding a great lawyer and being a great client will often add up to outcome you are wanting.