Ms. Jill O’Connell, founder and attorney at O’Connell Law Firm, P.C. has been elected a Fellow of the Texas Bar Foundation. As a Fellow of the Texas Bar Foundation, Ms. O’Connell is joining a select group of elite Texas attorneys. Election is a recognition of her outstanding record in the legal profession, dedication to justice, and high professional standing among her peers.
The Foundation helps educate the public about the justice system in Texas, provide legal services to the poor, assist those in need of the legal system for protection and enhance professionalism in the legal profession. Locally, in fiscal years 2016 through 2018, Denton County Friends of the Family, Inc., CASA of Denton County, Inc., and other organizations received grants from the Texas Bar Foundation.
Each year, only the top one-third of one percent of Texas attorneys are invited to become Fellows. Once nominated, they must be elected by the Texas Bar Foundation Board of Trustees. The Texas Bar Foundation was founded in 1965 by lawyers determined to advance justice in Texas and has continued for over five decades. The Foundation is the largest charitably-funded bar foundation in the country. Through their grants the Foundation continues to make a difference in the lives of Texas today. Charitable organizations throughout Texas receive grants that support a wide variety of programs. For more information about the Texas Bar Foundation and grants opportunities, please see www.txbf.org.