Alternatives to Standard Possession Times
A Texas parent (the possessory conservator) who is divorced or going through divorce can get frustrated with what they feel are the limits of the Texas Standard Possession schedule. I talk with parents who want to be very involved in their children’s lives and want more than 2 hours on a weeknight during the school year, and weekends on the first, third, and fifth weekend of the month. So often, they’ve done research or talked with friends or family members and know what the Standard Possession schedule looks like before they talk with me, they already have feelings about what is available to them. These parents that I’m referring to are parents who aren’t fighting with their co-parent or have anything particular legal issue to litigate with the other parent. It is just about more time with their kids. They want to know what else, if anything, is available to them for possession or parenting time without having to be drawn into full-blown litigation with their ex or soon to be ex.
Expanded Standard Possession
Very often, parents aren’t aware that there are alternatives and options for them within the Texas Family Code. These options are commonly called ‘expanded standard’ or ‘extended standard’. There are several options for those parents who want to spend more time with their kids contained within the Standard Possession schedule in the Texas Family Code available for that parent to request. The alternative pick-up and drop-off time options give that possessory conservator parent more time, just by requesting and incorporating these alternatives to the usual 6:00 p.m. beginning and ending times for possession by expanding or extending their evenings during the week and 1st, 3rd, and 5th weekends and other times with their children.
Pickup Times and Drop-off Times
Texas Family Code Section 153.317 provides specific alternative beginning and end times for possession that are available if elected by a conservator. Some of the options available for weekend periods of possession are times with a parent starting at the time that school is dismissed and ending when school resumes after the weekend or just the alternative beginning or the alternative end time.
These alternative ending and beginning times are available for the other periods of possession that a possessory conservator will have as well.
Weekday Evenings, Weekends and Holiday Alternative Times
The alternative beginning and end times are available for election by a conservator for Thursday weekday periods of possession during the school year, as well as spring break, Christmas vacation times, Thanksgiving holiday possession, Father’s Day and Mother’s Day.
If you want more time than the Standard Possession schedule gives you without the alternative ending and beginning possession times included these alternative times may be an option. The alternative beginning and ending times are available for election in most cases, and must be found to be in the best interest of the child or children in the case. Of course, this is very general information. Talk with your divorce attorney about whether or not these alternative beginning and ending possession times are right for you, your kids, and your divorce.
If you would like to meet with me, Jill O’Connell, please set up an appointment through the office O’Connell Law Firm, P.C. at 940-497-5454 or 972-203-6644.