When you are going through a divorce you are going to be bombarded with divorce information and divorce advice.
Free divorce advice is everywhere. And, free divorce advice is generally worth what you paid for it. Your free divorce advice could come from your friends, your family, your co-workers and all the social media sources you want to list. And, let’s be honest, free advice might just be a nice way of saying unwanted “shoulds” (you should be doing this or that), unwanted conversations, unwanted divorce everything, and way too much personal information. Free advice is everything that you’re getting that isn’t coming from your divorce lawyer or other professional. When that happens, you have to ask yourself some questions before you take that divorce advice. Start with these tips and ask yourself these questions.
Where Is the Divorce Advice From?
When you are getting free advice during your divorce, start with this question. Where is the free advice coming from? Is your boss or colleague telling you what happened in their divorce? Is your best friend giving you some information? Your family? Google? Are your parents, siblings or cousins sending you emails or texts? Look at the source of the information. Start there. Are they trustworthy? Do they have special experience or education?
What is the Goal of the Information? (Look at the Source)
Answer these questions for yourself before you take any action based on free divorce advice. What is the goal of the giver or sender of the free advice? Do they have your best interests at heart? Can you tell what their goal is? People love to have the worst (or best) story at a party about their divorce or ex-spouse. Is that what this is or is it truly advice with your best interest at heart. Why are they telling you what to do in your divorce? What is their interest in your divorce? Your divorce goals and plan should be defined by you and your divorce lawyer.
Free Advice can be Dangerous
Free advice can be dangerous. Google doesn’t have a law degree. Google isn’t licensed to practice law in Texas. Google isn’t a divorce lawyer or family law attorney. And, everybody’s divorce is different. Do you need to litigate your divorce? Do you need temporary orders? Do you need to pay child support? When will you have your children? How can you finish your divorce without fighting in court? Can you use mediation? How do you start your divorce? Who will answer these divorce questions for you? Your divorce lawyer will. Your divorce lawyer will guide you through these and many other divorce questions.
Balance your free divorce advice with advice you can trust.
Find an experienced divorce lawyer you can trust.
Call today to make an appointment with Jill O’Connell.