Divorce and Mother’s Day
Divorce is a tricky time for most holidays, but Mother’s Day can be especially tough. Moms are nurturers, calendar managers, bus drivers, chauffeurs, paramedics, chefs and launderers. They wear so many hats! Taking care of themselves can get pushed to the bottom of the to-do list. If you are going through divorce, or are divorced, don’t let that get you down. Take some of these tips to heart!
Read Your Decree
If your divorce case is pending, or this is your first Mother’s Day since divorce became your new normal, read your decree. You probably have some time set aside for you and your kids in your orders. Figure out what your time look like including pick-up and drop-off, and make some plans!
Make All the Plans!
Remember the day is to celebrate you – so plan things you like! Do you want to go to the movies? Well, go somewhere with awesome snack choices, or food options. Do you want to try a new restaurant – go ahead and make that reservation. Make your own plans and enjoy! If your ex didn’t help your kids do anything for you or get you anything, move on down the road and don’t even give it a minutes thought. Don’t worry or get upset that your ex didn’t tell your kids it’s Mother’s Day or make plans for them to celebrate you. Your kids will figure out your ex soon enough. Enjoy being the mom – don’t waste time being the ex-wife.
Enjoy the Day!
If your family was full of tradition before your divorce, this is the perfect time to start some new traditions. Talk to your kids but make sure that you let them know what you want to do. It is a day to celebrate what you do for them every other day of the year. Take it and enjoy!
Jill O’Connell
Divorce is difficult and often puts great people and families in tough situations. Call an experienced divorce attorney today, 940-497-5454.