Texas Divorce

Life Goes on During Divorce, too

By |2019-11-23T15:54:23+00:00June 17th, 2015|Blog, Divorce, Family Law, Family Life|

A Lawyer's Thoughts on Life During Divorce What is going to happen to your life during divorce? As a lawyer who deals with families in crisis on most days of the week, there are some things that I tell my clients and those I consult with that have nothing to do with legal issues.  When my clients [...]

Texas Divorce Basics

By |2016-10-30T04:35:07+00:00October 25th, 2013|Blog, Divorce, Family Law, Jill O'Connell|

  Basics of Texas Divorce What does it take to get divorced in Texas? To get divorced in Texas you need at least these three things:  a valid marriage,  to have lived in Texas for 6 months and,   to have lived in the county that where you want to file for divorce for 90 days. [...]

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