John Wooden said ‘Make each day your masterpiece.’ If you don’t know John Wooden – google him. As a divorce lawyer and personally, I’m inspired by this concept – daily. This may seem like an odd quote to inspire me, a woman divorce and family law attorney – but it’s not. I grew up in the West, and my dad loved basketball. I’ve been an athlete and active for most of my life in one form or another. And, John Wooden was a coach, and mentor extraordinaire.
Are you inspired daily to live your life intentionally? Or are you always in search of a destination, completion of a goal or other to-do list item crossed off before you can live your life the way you want to live or be happy?
Life is hard. And, if you’ve been through a family law case, it may seem that life has been harder for you than others. If you’re going through a family law case or divorce, your life may be harder right now than at other times. Rest assured life is hard for everybody in different ways with moments of wonderful in between. No one escapes hard times.
So, it’s important to maintain your physical health and mental well being in the most stressful and hard times in your life. Choose where you invest your time and energy.
And, today I want to encourage you this summer to live each day intentionally. If you have kids, your summers may feel endless which is both good and bad, if we’re being honest. I know this is true from experience. But, remember, our summers are numbered. A masterpiece starts with just one thing. But, it doesn’t stop with one thing.
Each day is a new opportunity for you to make your masterpiece. It starts with you whether you’re in the middle of divorce or not. The masterpiece creator works at the masterpiece deliberately, mindfully, intentionally.
Take a few moments and think about what you might wish you had done if school was starting tomorrow. What would you do with the last night of summer? Late night ice cream? Hunting for spiders at night? Looking for lightning bugs? Water park trip? Vacation? Dinner with friends?
Summer has just started – make a plan. Start today!
As usual, this is not legal advice specific to you or your case. This is just general information. Call and come in to meet me and get specific advice for your case at 940-497-5454.
Jill O’Connell